Monday, July 25, 2011

A Specialty Publication...

So the other day I was wandering past the magazine display at the Wal Marts, and this caught my eye:

I couldn't wait to call the only actual professional magazine writer I know to describe it.

"Seems like a fairly narrow market", I said. Her immediate response:

"No, if it was narrow there wouldn't BE a market..."


Barbara said...

WORKOUTS for a tight butt? I'll wait for the pill to come out.

North said...

Tam is wicked smart.

I'll let the upper east coast correct my pronunciation.

WV: singlarm Two is one, and one is none.

Which I typed wrong...

NotClauswitz said...

Wal-Mart, eh? Even as a narrow market it's still all about shelf-space real-estate: Location, location, location...

Drang said...

Does it sell primarily to women looking to tighten their butts, or to men...?